Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Humanity Can Do Miracles, The Starving Kid From Nigeria Is One Such Miracle!

A simple act of humanity can do wonders. In this fast developing and tech savvy world, people usually overlook these simple things. But there are some people, who still believe in doing good, acting selflessly. Do you guys remember the starving kid from Nigeria? Here’s how an act of humanity proved to be a miracle for him.

Here’s the Starving kid from Nigeria who was almost dead before this act of humanity saved him!


This kid was born in Nigeria. But his parents had dumped him and left him to die because they thought that he was a witch'

This is nothing too surprising for the Nigerian parents since incidences of condemning children to be witches and abandoning them are very common. Harsh isn’t it? Superstitions overpowering a mother’s love? It is sad but true. The toddler was emaciated and riddled with worms when Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish charity worker in 2016.

Photographs of Hope, (the toddler), were heartbreaking when they went viral. But this woman, did something so amazing, that moved the world.

Ms. Loven found the boy in January 2016 while working for a charity in Africa. Hope was two years old, and was incredibly sick. He was naked, eating off scraps and had somehow managed to keep himself alive.

Anja, on seeing the condition of the boy got unexplainably emotional. She bent down to remove the scraps he was eating, and started feeding the poor soul. The picture that got viral was her giving him water from a bottle to which the toddler. It was heartbreaking to see the picture of the child in such a terrible condition.

Ms. Loven and her team right away decided to rush Hope to the hospital, and we couldn’t thank her less. The doctors diagnosed Hope with multiple deficiency diseases, the major one being his stomach riddled with numerous worms and had little to no red blood cell formation. With proper medication and multiple blood transfusions, his stomach finally got rid of the worms, and his body was circulating blood quite well

Anja asked the world for help, and she couldn’t believe the response she got from all around the world. Within just two days of the picture going viral, she received donations worth $1 million globally.

After eight weeks, the world finally saw the toddler smiling and playing with other children. He was absolutely unrecognizable having gained weight and with a beautiful smile on his face.

Now, almost a year to the day. The starving kid, Hope, finally showed us how humanity can change somebody life. The toddler is all set in his school uniform ready to go to school. Something to which we are looking forward to!

In an emotional yet joyful Facebook post, Ms. Loven writes,

‘On the 30th of January 2016 I went on a rescue mission with David Emmanuel Umem, Nsidibe Orok and our Nigerian team

 A rescue mission that went viral, and today it’s exactly one year ago the world came to know a young little boy called Hope, this week Hope will start school.’

Ms Loven not only changed Hope’s life, but is working on changing lives of many kids like Hope.

The journey which has started from saving one helpless kid, has now turned into a global campaign. Ms Loven rescues and gives shelter to kids who are accused of being “witches” and are abandoned by their parents.

This world actually needs people like Ms. Loven who can restore our faith in Humanity!


 source - sarcasm